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That back to school vibe! Hello September!

The beginning of September always used to mean new shoes, new stationery and excitement of the new term. Even though it's years since I left school the feeling remains...

🚀🌟 Let’s start September with my 6 top tips!

🔥 LinkedIn™ is on fire right now!

·     With a suite of tools & a rock-solid platform, LinkedIn™ is the ideal place to build your professional brand.

·     If you've been neglecting your profile, it's time for a makeover.

📷✨Profile Perfection

·     First things first, let's give your profile a facelift!

·     Ensure it's up to date with a recent, eye-catching headshot.

·     Consider adding a cover banner that tells your professional story.

·     Write a clear, jargon-free description of your current role, skills, & background.

·     Let your personality shine through while keeping it professional.

·     Double-check your location & if you haven't already, grab a custom URL for easier discovery.

💼🌠 Craft an Irresistible Headline

·     Your headline is like your business card.

·     Don't settle for the ordinary; make it extraordinary!

·     Use it to convey what you do & what you want to be known for.

🏆🌟 Show Off Your Skills & Achievements

·     LinkedIn™ gives you a stage, so don't be shy about flaunting your achievements.

·     Share your awards, certifications, & accomplishments proudly.

·     But don't stop there; reveal your passions & what motivates you.

·     Your career history tells a story, but your volunteer work & passion projects showcase your personality.

📚🔗 Share Valuable Content

·     Relevance is your golden ticket to success on LinkedIn™

·     There's no character limit, so share your insights freely, but make sure they're valuable.

·     Use articles & newsletter features for in-depth thoughts.

·     Share articles or reports that you believe provide value to your network & explain why they're worth a read.

👥🚀 Expand Your Network

·     Sync your LinkedIn™ profile with your email contacts to reconnect with familiar faces.

·     When sending connection requests, add a personal touch: 'I enjoyed your recent talk at...' or 'Your blog posts are always insightful.'

·     Be strategic in your networking; connect with those you want to get to know better.

⏰📲 Be a Consistent Engager

·     A few minutes a day on LinkedIn™ can work wonders.

·     Post regularly, engage with your connections by commenting & liking their content.

✨🌠 By following these 6 steps, you'll transform your LinkedIn™ presence into a shining star!

🚀For more personalised help & advice, plus how-to videos, masterclasses, live Q&A’s & more, join my VIP LinkedIn™ Academy; it’s for business owners like you to leverage LinkedIn™ for business growth. Send me a DM to chat or explore more at Be quick the price increases at the end of September!