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Hi! I'm Esther

Hi! I’m Esther and my mission is to help people who didn’t grow up with smartphones become expert at managing social media in their businesses and maximise their online presence on LinkedIn.

I’ve worked with large multinational corporations and micro businesses, across various industry platforms in creative industries, educational publishing, security, IT, to health, recruitment, EdTech and others.

In 2006 I graduated with a degree in IT for Education & Training. Since autumn 2017 I have been lecturing in Social Media and various other related topics in the Business School at Worcester University and on the Masters programme at the University of Roehampton.

I became Head Coach for Real World Consultancy in 2022 and won the Women Who worcestershire Lead Award in December 2022. The award is for leading the way, and being a supportive and motivational leader.

‘Esther strives to build confidence in others so that they can take on their new skills with ease.’

See what Beccie thought...

Beccie Hawes the Head of Service at Cadmus Inclusive shares her review of Esther at Online Media Works.

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