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Supercharge Your LinkedIn Profile with AI: 4 Strategies for Success

LinkedIn has become an essential platform for professionals to network and explore new opportunities. Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into your LinkedIn profile might seem intimidating, but I promise you it needn’t be!


In this blog post, I'll explore four valuable strategies to optimize your LinkedIn profile using AI.


Firstly what is AI?

Artificially intelligent systems can perform tasks commonly associated with humans, such as interpreting speech, playing games and identifying patterns. AI systems typically learn how to do this by processing massive amounts of data, looking for patterns to model in their own decision-making.


Lots of people are talking about Chat GPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer follow up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. It was created by OpenAI who are an American artificial intelligence (AI) research laboratory consisting of a non-profit arm and a for-profit subsidiary.


Whatever your reason for considering AI, the potential is there for it to change the way your business operates. All it takes to start is an open-minded attitude and a willingness to embrace new opportunities wherever and whenever possible.


You can start by signing up for a free account at

Now the fun starts! Let’s begin…

 1 Craft an Engaging Headline

Your LinkedIn headline is a crucial element that grabs attention. Your headline should talk about you, what you do, how you do it and why someone should connect with you – what’s in it for them?


It’s the first thing people will read and it carries through to every comment you make on the platform and it appears next to your name in search results, too. It should entice people to read on in your profile to learn more about you.


You could use AI-powered tools to generate 220 compelling characters that include relevant keywords and will help your profile get found by the right audience.


TOP TIP: If you edit your headline on the mobile app you get 240 characters instead of 220, so maximise those extra characters to best use!


2 Create an Impactful Summary


The LinkedIn summary, may also be referred to as a LinkedIn bio or the LinkedIn about section is a few paragraphs of text that appears right before your list of current and prior roles.


LinkedIn gives a limit of up to 2,000 words, but only the first three lines are visible before a visitor has to click ‘See More.’


LinkedIn uses this section in its algorithm, as well as your LinkedIn headline, current title, and other factors. By writing a keyword-rich LinkedIn summary, you can become more visible to your target audience by being listed in search results.


Writing an effective summary can be challenging, but AI can assist you. Utilise AI tools that analyse your professional information and generate summary suggestions based on best practices. Ensure you personalise the output to showcase your unique value, highlighting key skills, experiences, and achievements.


3 Highlight Relevant Skills

On LinkedIn you can highlight 50 skills. However, do ensure that you are showcasing the right skills to attract your target audience.


You can take advantage of built in AI-powered features like LinkedIn's "Skills Assessments" to receive personalised skill recommendations based on your industry and career interests.


LinkedIn Skill Assessments is a feature that allows members to take assessments on various skills to test and showcase their proficiency in those skills. LinkedIn offer assessments that are categorized as technical, business, and design skills. They typically contain 15 multiple choice questions.

Passing a Skills Assessment will enhance the credibility and relevance of your skillset and LinkedIn’s free Skill Assessments are a great tool for increasing your visibility on the platform.


HOW TO: To take your LinkedIn skill assessment, navigate to your profile, and in the “Skills” segment, hit “Take skill quiz”.


4 Share Engaging Content


Consistently sharing valuable content establishes you as a thought leader in your industry. AI-powered content curation tools can simplify this process by helping you discover and schedule relevant industry insights. By automating content sharing, you can save time and ensure a steady stream of engaging content for your audience. Read more about how LinkedIn uses AI topic prompts here


Also, LinkedIn has launched collaborative articles, a new feature that uses AI-powered prompts to encourage users to share knowledge and insights on various topics. Collaborative articles have the potential to generate more networking opportunities, help you produce more content, and grow your brand on LinkedIn.


Don't let the fear of AI hold you back from maximizing your LinkedIn profile's potential. By implementing these strategies all powered by AI, you can optimize your profile effectively and stand out in the digital space.

Research suggests that AI doesn't always perform best on its own. AI technologies are great at driving or even replacing the lower-level, repetitive tasks, but businesses often achieve the greatest performance improvements when humans and machines work together. So do sanity check the outputs before you use them.

Get ready to achieve LinkedIn success with confidence and propel your professional brand forward! I'm launching a brand new course called LinkedIn Boost: Embrace AI to Maximize Your Profile's Potential Designed specifically for those business owners who are hesitant about AI but short on time and know they need to be more active on LinkedIn this course will revolutionise your LinkedIn presence and propel your professional brand to new heights. Don't let fear hold you back from unlocking the potential of this cutting-edge technology.

I've distilled the complex world of AI into practical, bite-sized lessons that anyone can understand. I'll guide you through each module, demystifying AI in a friendly, jargon-free manner. No technical background required! You'll gain the confidence to harness AI to your advantage and supercharge your LinkedIn profile – all in an hour a week for 8 weeks.

Enrol now and embark on a transformative AI journey that will supercharge your professional brand. Together, let's unlock the power of AI-driven LinkedIn success!