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Looking to grow your team?

📢 IN THE NEWS TODAY: Are you looking to recruit staff for your business?

You're not alone! According to the latest quarterly survey from the British Chambers of Commerce, 60% of businesses in Britain are actively seeking new team members. But there's a catch: 80% of those businesses are reporting difficulties finding the right candidates.

🌟 Luckily, LinkedIn has introduced value-centric tools to help job seekers find opportunities based on their values. With the job market changing, more people are looking for companies that align with their values and offer a positive workplace culture. And now, LinkedIn's new features make it easier than ever to connect with employers who share your interests and values.

💡 So if you're looking to attract and retain top talent, consider focusing on work-life balance, diversity, and sustainability in your company culture. Not only will you create a more positive workplace, but you'll also increase your chances of finding the right candidates for your team.

👉 What are your thoughts? Let's discuss in the comments!