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Cracking the Code: How to Optimise Your LinkedIn™ Content for Maximum Reach

Do you want to expand your reach on LinkedIn™ and do you wonder how the LinkedIn™ algorithm evaluates and ranks your content in users' feeds?

In this blog, we'll explore strategies to harness the LinkedIn™ algorithm to maximise your visibility.

Why LinkedIn™ Matters for Business

Some people view LinkedIn™ as merely a job board, or perhaps a job board that evolved into a business platform. However, it’s changed. LinkedIn™ has always revolved around fostering meaningful connections. Today, it serves as the go-to platform for networking, sales, lead generation, career advancement, personal branding, and business promotion. It's the essential social network for B2B marketers, sales professionals, and thought leaders.

With over 1 billion users, LinkedIn™ continues to grow, distinguishing itself from other social networks that have plateaued. While it has evolved, recent shifts have encouraged users to share more personal content and stories, making it an ideal platform for organic reach.

One standout feature of LinkedIn™ is its trustworthiness. The platform is known for content supported by facts, statistics, and research, with 87% of users considering it a reliable source, surpassing other social media platforms.

1: 3 Common LinkedIn™ Mistakes Business Owners Make

Despite its potential, not every LinkedIn™ user achieves entrepreneurial success. Three common mistakes hinder users from realising their full reach on the platform:

Treating All Social Networks the Same

LinkedIn™ employs a unique algorithm that values quality interactions over basic engagement signals. Tailoring your content strategy to LinkedIn™, focusing on personal storytelling, and building relationships with potential leads are crucial for success.

Focusing on the Wrong Goals

Rather than chasing likes, shares, or clicks, shift your focus to comments and messages. In 2023, generating leads directly on LinkedIn™ is challenging, so prioritise building brand awareness. Once your brand is widely recognised, your sales team can nurture relationships and convert leads.

Not being authentic

LinkedIn™  is a great platform to increase your ‘Know, Like and Trust’ factors with your target audience, So instead of being bland and corporate let your personality shine through.

2: Decoding the LinkedIn™ Algorithm

LinkedIn™'s algorithm prioritises interaction, particularly the value of individual comments, messages, and interactions. Its user base falls into four categories: power users, content creators, content ambassadors, and the silent community. The algorithm considers factors such as dwell time, early post performance, negative engagement signals, internal and external links, and calls to action.

Dwell time measures how long users engage with your content, and you can optimise it by creating longer posts. Early post performance involves testing with a select audience before broader distribution. Negative engagement signals, like users ignoring your content or using engagement pods, can affect reach. Sharing external links in posts may limit your reach, so choose the right approach based on your goals. Lastly, avoid direct calls to action that ask for engagement; instead, encourage thoughtful or emotional responses.

3: LinkedIn™ Algorithm for Personal Profiles vs. Company Pages

The LinkedIn™ algorithm operates similarly for personal profiles and company pages, but there are nuanced differences. Personal profiles can engage with content to boost reach, whereas company pages are more static and take longer to gain traction.

4: Crafting Content Loved by the LinkedIn™ Algorithm

To create content that resonates with the LinkedIn™ algorithm, consider these six types of organic content that perform well:

Personal stories

Thought leadership


User-generated content

Third-party content curation

Employee advocacy

Leverage these content strategies to increase engagement and visibility on LinkedIn™.

TLDR Key messages

LinkedIn™ is not just a job board; it's a powerful platform for networking, lead generation, personal branding, and business promotion, with over 1 billion users and continuous growth.

Common LinkedIn™ Mistakes:

Tailor your content strategy for LinkedIn™, emphasizing personal storytelling and relationship-building.

Shift your focus from likes and shares to comments and messages to build brand awareness.

Decoding the LinkedIn™ Algorithm: The algorithm prioritizes interaction, considers various factors, and classifies users into categories. Factors include dwell time, early post performance, negative engagement signals, and more.

Personal Profiles vs. Company Pages: While the algorithm works similarly for both, personal profiles can engage to boost reach, while company pages may take longer to gain traction.

Crafting Algorithm-Friendly Content: Six types of content perform well on LinkedIn™:

Personal stories

Thought leadership


User-generated content

Third-party content curation

Employee advocacy

By implementing these strategies, you can enhance your visibility and engagement on LinkedIn™.

For more personalised help & advice, plus how-to videos, masterclasses, live Q&A’s and more, join my VIP LinkedIn™ Academy; it’s for business owners like you to leverage LinkedIn™ for business growth.

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